My whishlist

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Create your first Wish List/Dream Wish List! Add an unlimited number of wishes in 1 click! Make a wish, make your dreams come true!

We focus on your wishes
Enough hints and random gifts. True desires do not come true by themselves, they are consciously fulfilled.

It’s easy to add a wish
Minutes to add and save all your wishes

It’s nice to give
A few clicks to fulfill your dreams and the wishes of your friends

Find wishes of friends by their phone number
Quick search of wishlists and wishes of friends, colleagues, or mother’s friend’s son by phone number

Gather for your dreams and desires together with your friends
An easy way to save for your dream together with friends. Already the usual piggy bank, but next to your wishes and goals.

Dreams come true from anywhere in the world
It has never been so easy to make a person on the other side of the world happy. Emotions are given by people and it does not matter where they are.

Is it a birthday or another nice occasion? Make your wish list and share it with your friends.